Retinal Disease
Our commitment is to provide compassionate, personalized treatment for disorders of the retina and the vitreous using
the highest quality techniques. Our physicians have extensive experience treating a wide range of retinal diseases
Diabetic Retinopathy
Diabetic retinopathy is the leading cause of blindness in patients 20-74 years of age. There are two forms:
non-proliferative and proliferative. Non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy occurs when blood vessels leak and fluid
accumulates in the retina. When the leakage is severe, laser surgery can be used to reduce or eliminate the
associated retinal swelling. Vision may not improve with the laser treatment, but if performed early enough,
it may stop further vision loss. Newer treatment may include an injection of AVASTIN or
Proliferative diabetic retinopathy results from the collapse or closure of blood vessels. The
retina becomes diseased where the blood vessels have closed and releases stimulants for the growth or
“proliferation” of new blood vessels. These new vessels are fragile and can easily bleed causing hemorrhage in the
eye and blindness. Laser surgery can drastically reduce the risk of severe vision loss in patients with
proliferative diabetic retinopathy. When severe hemorrhage or scar tissue develops the microsurgical procedure
termed vitrectomy may be required to restore vision.
Age-Related Macular Degeneration
Macular degeneration is a common diagnosis affecting a large amount of patients; it has many different forms with
widely varying severity. For some people the disease causes only slight distortion, but in the worst cases, it can
lead to a complete loss of central vision, making reading or driving impossible. It usually affects older patients –
retirement age and above. Initial signs of macular degeneration may be picked up earlier, in the 40’s and 50’s. This
is important since there is evidence that intervention with nutritional supplements and life-style changes may
reduce the development of the blinding disease.
There are two forms of macular degeneration – dry and
wet. The dry form results from degeneration of the outer layers of the retina – the light absorbing photoreceptors
and the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE). The RPE forms the blood retinal barrier between the outer retinal
circulation (choriocapillaris) and the outer retina (photoreceptors). With age, the waste products of vision
accumulate beneath the RPE in little mounds called drusen. These proteinaceous and fatty-like deposits impede the
flow of oxygen and nutrients and result in degeneration of both the RPE cells as well as the visual cells
In the wet form of macular degeneration, abnormal blood vessels grow from the outer
retinal circulation (choroid) beneath the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) and sometimes into the retina itself.
These blood vessels can leak fluid and protein and eventually form a scar. With early diagnosis of these blood
vessels, laser surgery may be used to close the blood vessels and prevent further vision loss. Fluorescein
angiography and indocyanine green angiography may be used to image the abnormal blood vessels and guide laser
Many patients with wet macular degeneration receive treatment with anti VEGF medicines
(anti-vascular endothelial growth factor). These are fairly new drugs and are injected into the eye and work by
blocking an essential signal that causes abnormal blood vessels to grow and leak. Some of these drugs include
LUCENTIS™, AVASTIN, and/or MACUGEN. Another treatment option is photodynamic therapy. This involves using the light
activated drug VISUDYNE combined with a laser to stop abnormal blood vessel growth in some patients with wet AMD.
Talk to your physician at LoBue Laser and Eye Medical Center today about whether this is an option for you.
Floaters and Flashes
Floaters and flashes are a symptom of the natural aging of the vitreous gel in the eye. The eyeball is filled with
gel and liquid and as we grow older, the gel becomes more liquid. Normal floaters are caused by vitreous
degeneration. But the presence of new floaters or flashes of light may signal a sight threatening event. As the gel
separates from the retina, it may pull on the retina which can lead to the sensation of light flashes. In some
cases, the pulling may cause a retinal tear or a blood vessel may tear leading to the sensation of large floaters. A
patient with new floaters or flashes should be examined promptly since these signs may indicate a retinal tear. With
early diagnosis the tear may be treated with laser surgery or a freezing therapy termed cryotherapy. This will
reduce the chance of the tear progressing to a retinal detachment.
Retinal Detachment
Retinal detachment occurs when the retina is separated from the back of the eye from the fluid beneath it. Most
detachments begin in the periphery. A shadow may be noted but central (reading) vision is initially good. With time,
the detachment may progress to involve the macula and central vision will be lost. With early diagnosis and
treatment, retinal detachments may be repaired by a gas bubble (pneumatic retinopexy), sclera buckle or vitrectomy
surgery, and excellent vision may be restored.
Macular Holes
Macular holes are what the name implies. The macula is the area of the retina that provides the best vision for
reading and fine detail. A hole in the macula may develop. This hole forms from pulling by the vitreous gel on the
center of the retina. Macular hole formation occurs in stages beginning with a cyst (stage 1) and ending with a full
thickness hole with separation of the vitreous gel (stage 4). Reading and detail vision is ultimately
Vitrectomy surgery may be used to remove the vitreous gel and close the macular hole. Fine
membranes (scar tissue) are peeled from the edge of the hole and a gas bubble or oil bubble is placed in the eye to
help seal the hole while it heals. When gas is used, the patient must remain face down for some time after surgery
to help the hole seal. If oil is used, it must be removed in a second operation. While most patients benefit, not
all patients recover vision. Success rates vary depending on the type of hole, the duration of the hole, and the
stage of the hole. The other eye may become affected in 10% of patients. As with all surgeries, the risks, benefits,
and alternatives must always be considered and discussed thoroughly with your doctor.
Macular Pucker
Macular pucker is scar tissue that has formed in the center of the retina creating distortion and blurring of vision.
When the vision is only mildly affected, observation may be the best way to deal with the condition. With
significant distortion or blurring, however, vitreous surgery can be used to restore vision in the majority of
patients. Patients generally recover half of the vision lost from the macular pucker after surgery. Vision recovery
may take weeks to many months.
LoBue Laser and Eye Medical Centers is here to help you with all of your retinal issues. Since retina problems are very serious and require immediate attention, do not
delay in getting into see one of our doctors should you experience any of the symptoms discussed above.